Disturbing things about Twilight we’re only now noticing

Disturbing things about Twilight we’re only now noticing

Whether on Team Edward or Team Jacob, Twilight fanatics everywhere worshipped the series and its films when they first came out. We loved them so much, in fact, that we didn’t pay attention to some details that as an adult just seem a bit wrong.

[post_page_title]Bella and Edward are seriously codependent[/post_page_title]

While many of us former Twi-hards may have once gushed over the passionate love story of a teen and a vampire, in retrospect, Bella and Edward’s relationship is kind of unhealthy. While they are very much in love, they are also dangerously codependent on one another.

Bella and Edward are seriously codependent

When Edward leaves Bella in New Moon, she falls into a deep depression and feels that she cannot go on without him. Edward is just as attached, telling her in the first movie, “You are my life now” – which looking back, is a little bit creepy considering they had just met.

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