Couple tries to scam their wedding venue with a meltdown and gets shut down

Couple tries to scam their wedding venue with a meltdown and gets shut down

We all know how expensive weddings can be. The list of things to pay for is endless – the flowers, the cake, the dress, the venue, and that’s not even taking into consideration that you’ll be paying for all of your guests to have a three-course meal. Although everyone wants their special day to be ‘perfect’, many people can’t help but think that a lot of frantic brides can get a little bit over the top sometimes.

As much as some future brides may swear they’ll never be a ‘bridezilla’, once their turn actually comes around, sometimes they just can’t help but let their inner monster come out.

However, there is a big difference between being a little spoiled and demanding, and being a full-on scam-artist. This is the story of one bride who tried to con her wedding venue out of thousands of dollars. But soon she realized that she should have thought twice about who she was messing with. So did she get away with it?

[post_page_title]Spoiled rotten[/post_page_title]

The true meaning of walking down the aisle is often overshadowed by the materialistic planning of a ‘beautifully pristine white wedding.’ You have only a few hours to have a fantastic day with your new spouse and your loved ones, so why do we worry so much about the color of the chairs when we should be focusing on enjoying ourselves?

Spoiled rotten

Some brides will do anything and pay any money to make sure they have the most amazing wedding possible – no matter who they step on or take advantage of to get what they really want.

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